Will Call
What are Houston Tents & Events Customer Pickup & Return hours?
Monday through Friday 8am-4pm
Where do I pickup and return my order from?
Does my order qualify for Customer Pickup & Return?
Only advance orders qualify for customer pickup & return. Some of our inventory items are not available for customer pickup and return, your sales associate will assist in determining these items
How can I be sure that my order will be ready for me when I arrive?
By taking just a few easy steps, you can be sure that your customer pickup & return goes smoothly.
Contact our Sales or Customer Service Team to place your order and schedule an appointment for your customer pickup & return.
Before heading to our warehouse, measure the inside of your vehicle to ensure you have enough room to carry your product. It’s important to measure from various positions because as the products are loaded, the point of entry changes. The opening to the back of the vehicle could be quite a bit larger at the bottom of opening than the top. Also, be sure that your vehicle can support the weight of the product you will be carrying. Many vehicles are designed with carrying passengers in mind.